Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We all are victims of capitalism,one way or the other way!On the Internet,I scouted for a way of making a living after I was layed back from a Airline job two months back.I wrote and send hundreds of CV’s but each time it was a dull silence from the other side.When I was surfing on the net,I realized so many fraudulent money making scams which demanded money for something or the other.This made me thinking!
Is there any way so many like minded individuals should come together and work from home thru the Internet.I realized that out of 100 people I chatted with 80% wanted a decent living where they could pay their bills and save something for old age.Some had lost money on the stock exchanges and banks and others whole pension funds were wiped out.I have been researching on the net and trying to find one scheme where an individual can get paid for his work and not be cheated.I am trying to tell you one that I have found and I want you to tell me something that you have found.
is definitely a wonderful way of telling the world something new!You can blog about yourself and about different current topics or Hollywood stars.Whats so amazing is that its totally free and you work as per your own convenience.Blogging has become an art now.
Can you make money by Blogging?
Yes.However you should know that making money on a blog depends on number of people coming on your blog.If you already have a blog you can use adbrite(click on the side bar adbrite logo) it will give you all the information..On your blog you can sell adbrite adverts or you can yourself advertise.Why Adbrite and not google AdSense?Well AdSense has many requirements and can debar you for no apparent reason.Adbrite is simple and can make you started.When you are experienced enough than you can switch over too Google adsense.I am working with adbrite because it is simple and pays my bills.You can sell adbrite referrals on your blog or can help potential advertisers(click on adbrite logo on right bar).As for me I am making some $743/month on average selling advertisements from adbrite.Join and its free.All you have to do is choose the size of the banner and copy-paste the code generated on your site.In just two minutes you are ready to make money.However this is only the first step.Next step is to bring traffic to your site.
(I will explain to you how to do that in my next post)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Let internet bring the ideas!

Yesterday I was going thru a local newspaper and realized the many job advertised.I wondered how many people will apply for them.Afetr knowing about the newspaper circulation I realized that at least 20000 candidates would apply for each job advertised.Some of them would be already employed employed workers who would b applying just like that for fun. 20% would be the candidates who will apply because it has already become a habbit and this would be the section who will apply thru emails because its easy and dosnt take much effort.30% will be the applications thru job consultancies and portals.Only 10% will be the candidates who are desperately seeking a job.
So where do all the resumes go!In the dustbin as one HR manager informed me laughingly.I was annoyed with him.
How can they do it!Have we lost the human touch!Indirectly saying you are dashing the hopes of 10% who have hoped against all hopes to get a job!
In our constitution there is “Right to work” policy irrespective of gender,sex,religion,nationality etc but never followed by the multinationals!Really sickening.
What about the candidates who are above 40.Well nobody needs them it seems.Really sad!
Our system needs a rehaul.We have to understand the sensibilities of a person going thru job loss.He is down,demoralized because nobody wants him anymore.Even his wife and children start thinking lowly of him.
Recently I heard about 10000 fired employees of Citibank in India!Ok ,they might get compensation but what about their morale.Many among them will be above 40 who will find it hard to get anywhere!Same things I heard in Germany and elsewhere!Capitalism is taking us nowhere!Boss is buying a big boat for himself worth several million and we the real people who made him rich are going thru job loss just because they must improve their bottom line!
I say,enterpreunership must begin.Unfortunately the MNC’s have killed the spirit of enterpreuner.They just want to buy everything not content with what they have!Fortunately internet was a medium where enterpreuner thrived but soon this system will be hijacked by MNC’ like Google,Microsoft and Yahoo.There should be more opportunities for people who are above 40.Internet can do it,just one fine idea is needed.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Make money-2

Making money on the internet is not difficult.

  1. Join any affiate programme.
  2. Write articles and put the ads on your blog.
  3. Bring more traffic on your site-most important.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How John Chow made money from Blogs

It's been a little over a year since John Chow decided to make money by blogging about making money blogging. Since then, the 42-year-old Richmond, British Columbia, entrepreneur has watched his income from John Chow dot Com increase more than 50 fold--from $353 a month to an annual run rate of $300,000. That's $25,000 a month for sitting at home doing what Chow describes as "rambling."

He's not alone. Something has changed in the blogosphere over the past year--something really significant. It starts with the already-huge community doubling to more than 114 million blogs worldwide and spinning off 175,000 new sites daily, according to Technorati, the unofficial chronicler of the blogosphere.

The Blog Bang set off an explosion in new moneymaking services just as Chow was exploring the territory beyond Google AdSense. He now uses more than 100 ad networks, like AuctionAds and Kontera ContentLink.

"When I started, the options for monetizing a blog were pretty limited," Chow recalls. "But people keep coming up with new services that can help you make money."

Chow is far from being the blogosphere's biggest lottery winner. David Sifry, who founded Technorati as a family blog in 2002, can probably claim a share of that jackpot. So can gadflies like Perez Hilton, politicos like Arianna Huffington and all those businesses for which blogging has become the marketing innovation du jour.

Citizen journalism is turning semipro, explains Derek Gordon, vice president of marketing at Technorati, who feels high-gloss sites like The Huffington Post compare favorably to traditional media. A study by the Society for New Communications Research suggests that in five years, conversational marketing will attract as many ad bucks as traditional channels.

Chow deserves special recognition for demonstrating the pure, unadulterated earning power of the medium. His traffic-generating achievement isn't clouded by product sales, avant-garde content or attractive page design. Until recently, Chow wasn't even selling "himself"--that is, the personal expertise found on financial and analyst blogs.

His blog remains a somewhat banal combination of his money count and what he had for lunch--the blogging equivalent of Seinfeld, the show "about nothing." With the free blogenator WordPress and a degree in accounting, Chow monetized nothing into a No. 39 ranking on Technorati's Top 100 List of most-linked blogs. His overhead is about $550 a month; the rest of that monthly 25 grand goes to the bottom line.

Chow wasn't a web novice: He'd had limited success with his reviews-oriented site, The TechZone. But what Chow has learned running John Chow dot Com has helped him monetize The TechZone and his new TZZ Media advertising network. Taken together, Chow's revenue streams are closing in on $1 million annually, making him a web marketing expert by any measure.

Chow has also assembled his income-earning techniques into a 59-page web book downloadable at Make Money Online is free, but it still makes money for Chow, thanks to its active web links that drive traffic to his site. It's not a bad read, either; even if you don't make blogging your career, there's plenty there to help monetize your business blog.

"There are no rules or limits in blogging," explains Chow. "Your earning power is only limited by the traffic you can attract."

Blogging isn't just a pastime or marketing gambit anymore; it's a living.

Mike Hogan is Entrepreneur's technology editor.

Friday, February 22, 2008

European Finance

European Union in a soup!

EU cuts its growth forecast for the the Eurocurrency zone to 1,8%.Global economy looks uncertain this year.Finacial turmoil, sharp slowdown in the United States and very high prices for energy and food will hit growth,but the deacceleration can be shortlived if US picks up its economy this year.In inflation will likely stay well above the European central bank;s guidelines of just under 2 percent with more expensive prices in the supermarkets and gas pumps pushing it up by 2,6 percent. In Euro areas.However the EU prection is based only on its seven biggest members namely Germany,France,Italy,Austria,Spain,UK and Sweden etc.They have somehow not given much weightage to other EU member countries like the Baltic States who are registering growth rates of up tp6 percent-the highest in Europe so far!Poland is forming the major chunk of manufacturing pie in Europe.
Is European Union with its nerve center in Brussels,too dependent on United States for its economical and financial growth?The answer is a firm confirmation from Liga Mathur a resident consultant in a major company.We are putting all our eggs in one basket which can be a really dangerous tradition.Half of European currencies which are still not in eurozone are pegged to US$ directly or indirectly.Europeans tow the political lines dictated by Washington.However there are some historic reasons behind all this!
After the world war-2 their was a major influx of Europeans manly the wealthy and business like jewish community into US from Europe.It was but natural to have a umblicord between America and Europe.When US economy grew the major contributors were from Jewish communities who went on to form major banks,publishing houses and companies in America with lot of outsourcing to Europe.As a result Europe prospered too!After that any policies which were formed in Europe-NATO aligned were “America centric”.Europe also prospered from the anti Soviet bloc policies of united states.
However come 2008 this view has to change!There is no Soviet empire,no communism!Europe which never had an independent army after the world war-2 was hardly in any position to view the world differently from that of spectacles given to them by America!In this era of globalization however this policies don’t make any sense..

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Make thousands of money working from your computer.
As is very clear from the above image how much Google and others are raking in advertising revenues.this industry is in Billions of US Dollars.Do you want to be a part of all this?Well I am already a part of all this.
Today is the world where if you know something about forec trading or stock trading you can earn millions of $$$$.If you are a doctor and know about medical situations use your knowledge to write an article about that and people will read your materials and some of them might click ads from google or other organisation.Its the same as in television or print media!!However instead of you yourself looking for adverts from the companies,Google does the work for you.All you have to do is provide quality content or something that people will like to read.
Google adsense is a wonderful programme for the begining its quite confusing but later when you proceed it becomes easy.No wonder microsoft want a pie of all this!My suggestions to you are go for the topic that you are familiar with.Remember content is king.i will post more in my next blog.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Earn US$25K using your skills

It was in 2005 that i lost my job as a commercial manager in an MNC after 23 of us were layed off in a cost cutting drive.The other428 people kept their jobs.I asked the question why me?It was hard and humilating too!I lost my confidance until one wise soul helped e to start on my own from home.My wife went out for a job and I looked after my 3 tera old kid.
Thats when I started searching for opportunities.Registered myself with the employment exchange and with numerous agencies.
One fine morning I was sitting with my kid in the park just looking gloomily in the horizon when  a young person in his late 40's came and sat near me.He was tired after a jog.We started chatting.I was ashamed to admit that I lost my job.He never mentioned but i could see in his eyes that he somehow knew it.He asked me to call him up which I did after 2 weeks.He was very polite and invited me for a drink in a nearby pub.After meeting and confiding in him,I came to see him in a diffrent light.He had lost his well payed job some yrs ago too.When I asked him if he is looking for a job,he said "never gain will I work for any one".I was surprised at his confidant statement and a bit confused.He laughed and explained me all.He wa working from home and making over $200K/year.
The facts he gave me:

  • 2 billion people online all over the world.
  • No boundaries except maybe language!
  • 56% people use credit card or paypal.
We must use our imagination to make new business models.The busines models made by Ford,schwab are not working anymore.This is a new world order where VOIP(voice over internet) is almost free.We can send files,multimedia etc.companies like yahoo,Google,youtube and skype have redifined business.One dosnt need to sit in a office thus saving companies any investments on ral estate.You can work from home which saves travel expenses and time.Have more time for yourself and your family.look after your health.Now thats important.Work from home,this is a new revolution.Work at your convinience!There are many enterpreuners who are coming up with new ideas.They are the new Bill gates or sabeer bhatia(hotmail inventer).
After the advise given by that angel,I am alredy making 62K/year net after paying some commisions to big companies.Join this revolution and research,you will find many ways of making or supplimenting your income.Just be careful and dont fall for conman!
i wish you all the best.Keep me informed.